The Ogham Stones of Ireland

The Complete & Illustrated Index

Philip Powell

449 Pages, ISBN 978 1 463593 82 7     
Published by Megalithic monuments of Ireland, 2011     

Ogham is a uniquely Irish form of writing and first appeared in Ireland around the 4th century AD and stayed in use until around the 9th century AD. It was believed by the ancient Celts, to have been created by the god "Ogha", the Celtic god of eloquence and these ogham inscriptions are the earliest written evidence for the Irish language. It marked a major point in the history of this island, for up until then, the myths and legends, kings and heroes, had been remembered in the traditional Celtic oral culture, which was a central part of the Celtic way of life. In this book, you will find the complete and illustrated index to every ogham stone discovered in Ireland to date. The book contains 100's of photographs and sketches, stone descriptions and dates of ogham script. Also included are the locations and co-ordinates of the stones and many translations. The book is divided into the four provinces of Ireland and then into each individual county.

(The text above comes from the back of the book)     
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